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Corporate lunch catering, San Diego

Corporate lunch catering can be quite a challenge. For one, the quantity of the meals to prepare is bigger most especially if the event gathering has a huge number of participants – let’s say a hundred individuals or more. A bigger number of participants also means more meal options to prepare – e.g. a certain group from the participants might be vegetarian. And lastly, you need to make sure that the quality of meal is not compromised when prepared in huge quantity. Indeed, a business that is looking for a provider of corporate lunch catering, San Diego should hire one that is proven to be reputable in the industry.

If you are looking for a corporate lunch caterer in San Diego, you might be interested to hire Bent On Cooking. Here are some compelling reasons why:

Run by industry-recognized chef. Bent On Cooking is owned and managed by one of the finest personal chefs in San Diego, Chef Rosie Bent, who has been providing top quality catering service for businesses of all sizes since 1998. Her industry experience has been proven to be useful in providing clients nothing but the best corporate lunch catering, San Diego.

Delivers meals on time. Bent On Cooking understands the fact that even a little delay in delivering the lunch could potentially ruin any corporate event. So, the company makes it sure that meals prepared are delivered on time and in time of need, so to keep your event running smoothly.

Professional staff working. Bent On Cooking sends staff who are experienced and skilled to address all of your corporate lunch catering needs. They are professional and trained to do what is necessary to deliver top quality corporate catering service.

Gives transparent pricing. At Bent On Cooking, we strive to always avoid even a little discrepancy in the bill and if for some reason we overlook some items, we make the necessary correction immediately and then make note of the reason for clarification that may arise from customers. We address right away any queries on pricing. Clients, big and small businesses alike, all are not always keen at examining the bill. Keen or not, however, we see to it that we are always transparent in prices.

For top quality corporate lunch catering in San Diego, contact Bent On Cooking today. Call us at (858) 486-1451
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Why Bent On Catering?

Personal Chef Service
Fresh Home Cooked Meals
Over 25+ Years Experience
Friendly Customer Service
Meal Tailored to Your Diet
Health Option Available